Career Level One
PADI Dive Professional
Clock Hours: 50
Days: 7
The Dive Professional Career Level 1: Divemaster Program is the first level of Diver’s Paradise Professional Institute Career Development Programs. The program encompasses all courses required to enter a PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC), plus highly recommended career enhancement courses. This level may be entered during any point when meeting the entry requirements.
Objective: The objective of Diver’s Paradise Professional Institute Dive Professional Career Level 1: Divemaster Program is to take the experienced recreational diver and elevate the student’s certifications & diving skills to the professional level that culminates with a PADI Divemaster certification. This program prepares candidates to take the next step, which is Dive Professional Career Level 2: Open Water Scuba Instructor.
Entrance/Admission Requirements: 18 years old, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, or PAD-recognized equivalent and completed PADI EFR Primary and Secondary Care training during the last 24 months, or PADI-recognized equivalent PADI Rescue Certification or PADI-recognized equivalent.
A minimum 40 dives are required start the Divemaster components; 60 dives are required before a student may be certified as a Divemaster.
PADI Diving Medical Examination form signed by a physician (specifically an MD or a DO) stating fitness to dive and dated during the previous 12 months.
The course taxonomy applied to the Web site is identified by prefixes relating to universal Professional Association of Diving Instructors course abbreviations & acronyms.