To the Surface

Career Level One

PADI Dive Professional 

Clock Hours: 50

Days: 7

The Dive Professional Career Level 1: Divemaster Program is the first level of Diver’s Paradise Professional Institute Career Development Programs. The program encompasses all courses required to enter a PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC), plus highly recommended career enhancement courses. This level may be entered during any point when meeting the entry requirements.

Objective: The objective of Diver’s Paradise Professional Institute Dive Professional Career Level 1: Divemaster Program is to take the experienced recreational diver and elevate the student’s certifications & diving skills to the professional level that culminates with a PADI Divemaster certification. This program prepares candidates to take the next step, which is Dive Professional Career Level 2: Open Water Scuba Instructor.

Entrance/Admission Requirements: 18 years old, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, or PAD-recognized equivalent and completed PADI EFR Primary and Secondary Care training during the last 24 months, or PADI-recognized equivalent PADI Rescue Certification or PADI-recognized equivalent.

A minimum 40 dives are required start the Divemaster components; 60 dives are required before a student may be certified as a Divemaster.

PADI Diving Medical Examination form signed by a physician (specifically an MD or a DO) stating fitness to dive and dated during the previous 12 months.

Course Code | Course Name | Clock Hours | Days


PADI Divermaster




The course taxonomy applied to the Web site is identified by prefixes relating to universal Professional Association of Diving Instructors course abbreviations & acronyms.


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