Administrative Information
Policies & Services
If a student believes his or her academic scores are incorrect, the student may request an evaluation by another staff member. The course director and IDC staff members, however, have the final say regarding students’ scores, because of PADI’s strict standards.
In the unlikely event that a student violates one or more of the actions listed under Conduct, the student is subject to dismissal from the school.
If the student believes he or she has been judged erroneously, the student is entitled to a counseling session with the chief operating officer and the course director. The chief operating officer will have the final say in these matters. Any violations of local, state or federal laws will be reported to the authorities.
Policy Statement
Our company complies with all anti-hazing laws set forth in Florida Statute: FL ST §1006.63. We also enforce anti-discrimination laws, including [Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA.)] We explicitly prohibit offensive behavior (e.g. derogatory comments towards colleagues of a specific gender or ethnicity).
Policy Elements
Discrimination is defined as any negative action or attitude directed toward someone, because of protected characteristics—like race, gender or sex.
Other protected characteristics are:
Ethnicity / nationality
Disability / medical history
Marriage / civil partnership
Pregnancy / maternity / paternity
Gender identity / sexual orientation
The school does not discriminate on the basis of the aforementioned characteristics.
Regarding the American Disabilities Act (ADA) we will attempt to accommodate students with disabilities. A student, however, must demonstrate the required performance requirements, and provide a completed Medical Statement Form (signed by a physician).
All applicants to Diver’s Paradise Professional Institute professional level training programs must be at least 18 years of age by the starting date of the course.
Attendance Policy
Professional scuba training is—by nature—condensed. For this reason, unexcused absences will not be allowed, and will be considered grounds for dismissal. Absences related to illness or emergencies must be approved by the course director.
All training missed, because of excused absences, must be completed prior to the issuance of any certificate. The student will be charged at a rate of $60 per contract hour (above and beyond the regular tuition) for all such makeup work, if the makeup is conducted in special sessions, rather than being completed in subsequent classes.
Tardiness will be considered a serious breach of rules. Lateness during more than two occasions will result in a formal warning; lateness during the third occasion will result in dismissal.
Students who are dismissed, or failing to meet certification requirements, because of unsatisfactory performance, will be required to repeat the appropriate course in its entirety.
If extended absences result in a student’s failure to complete the certification requirements in the allotted time, provisions for completion may be made with the course director.
Students receive continual input and critique on their performance during the courses. Candidates receive private counseling sessions throughout the IDC. These sessions are conducted by the course director, and are designed to discover any concerns that a student may have, whether those concerns are academic or procedural.
Diver’s Paradise Professional Institute will be happy to assist students with accommodation information. Contact us for a list of local available housing possibilities.
Placement Assistance
Placement assistance is offered to students who successfully complete the IDC and IE. While we will make every effort to find employment for our graduates, we cannot guarantee employment.